BSE Skills Ltd is seeking input from employers, employees and stakeholders to ensure that National Occupational Standards (NOS) remain technically fit for purpose and reflect the evolving nature of plumbing and heating work to satisfy customer demand and contribute to net zero targets.
After initial meetings with employers, employees and training providers regarding the NOS content, we are now in a position to share these NOS to seek feedback.
What are NOS?
NOS specify the skills and knowledge required for an individual to carry out a workplace function competently, safely and consistently.
They are developed using feedback and input from employers, employees and stakeholders from the plumbing and heating industry across the UK and provide the basis of sector qualifications, standards and apprenticeships.
Each NOS consists of four main components:
- Overview – summarising who the NOS is aimed at and what it covers
- Performance Criteria – what the individual is expected to do.
- Knowledge & Understanding – what the individual is expected to know and understand in order to support safe and competent performance
- Scope – the range contexts and circumstances where the NOS could apply.
We are seeking your feedback on the Performance Criteria, Knowledge & Understanding and Scope components of the NOS. Click here to see a summary table of the 11 plumbing and heating NOS being reviewed.
How you can help
Taking part in this important consultation is quick and easy – simply click here to start.
Once there, read through the NOS specifications provided and provide feedback on those which are of interest to you by telling us in:
- Section 1 – a little bit about yourself and your organisation – just the basics
- Section 2 – your suggested improvement for each NOS. If you leave it blank we will assume that you are happy with the version provided
- Section 3 – anything further which is not accommodated elsewhere.
The survey should take roughly 30 minutes to complete and the information you provide will remain confidential and only be shared internally for review purposes. The survey close date is 30/08/2024
Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact Alan McDonald at al[email protected]